Sunday, 18 March 2012

Oscar Jackson is growing up!

Oscar Jackson is getting taller and, though not talking yet, is starting to communicate better using his sign language.

He is sleeping well - some mornings he has to be woken up!

Mad about tractors and vans, buses and lorries - in fact anything with wheels on!

He is keen on reading his books too, and likes playing in the garden with a ball or with his swing and slide.

If you take him out to Bettys, he will make a beeline for any blonde lady of any age!!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Oscar Jackson's Christening!

It has been a big weekend for Oscar Jackson!

He came home to Mansfield on Friday with his Mum and Dad to see Tot and Joel with Granny and Grandad.

On Saturday Chris and Hilary arrived and on Sunday he was baptised at St Edmund's church, followed by a lunch party for friends and family!

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Oscar Jackson's Great aunt Monica's Birthday!

Family celebrations come thick and fast in Oscar's family! This time it was Monica's Birthday and we all went to a lovely restaurant in Leamington for a slap up meal!

Oscar was on his best behaviour, and after the meal we went to the park near by.

It was a lovely day!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Oscar Jackson's Mummy's Birthday!

Oscar Jackson had a really exciting barbecue last Sunday for his Mummy's birthday!

Daddy cooked koftas and sauages and burgers on the barbecue in the back garden at Oscar's new house and Auntie Totsie and Joel stayed the weekend and Grandad and Grandma came up for the day from Mansfield.

Oscar showed everyone all his new toys in his bedroom, and now that he can walk, took everyone round his new garden.

Everyone had a good time (including Joel, who was really enjoying himself, as you can see)

Friday, 5 August 2011

Oscar Jackson Moves House!

Oscar Jackson moved to Woodruff Close last Friday with his Mum and Dad.

He now has a much larger bedroom and a proper garden to play in - and a girl next door of the right age!!

He missed no 23 to begin with (it was the only house he had ever known), but is now getting used to no 10.

Once Dad puts stars on his bedroom ceiling, it will start to feel like home!

Monday, 18 July 2011

Oscar Jackson likes a Bath!

At the end of a long hard day, Oscar likes nothing better than a bath to get him all clean and ready for bed!

He is,of course, covered in food after his meal, with probably yogurt in his hair and half a rusk in his ear, so he certainly needs it!

P.S. Don't forget what is happening on Friday!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Oscar Jackson's Dad has a Birthday!

Oscar Jackson is starting to realise about birthdays. His Dad had one recently and Oscar noted that he went away on holiday for a week and he received lots of presents. Then, when he returned home, all the family turned up for a party, and best of all he had a special cake with 'Happy Birthday' on it!

Oscar is wondering if he will have a birthday soon, and if so,whether he will be taken away on holiday and have presents and a cake too, or is it just Dads who are that lucky?!

He is getting to know his family better now, as you can see from the pictures of Isla, Hilary and Jan and Tom.

He is starting to realise about kissing girls!