Thursday, 18 August 2011

Oscar Jackson's Mummy's Birthday!

Oscar Jackson had a really exciting barbecue last Sunday for his Mummy's birthday!

Daddy cooked koftas and sauages and burgers on the barbecue in the back garden at Oscar's new house and Auntie Totsie and Joel stayed the weekend and Grandad and Grandma came up for the day from Mansfield.

Oscar showed everyone all his new toys in his bedroom, and now that he can walk, took everyone round his new garden.

Everyone had a good time (including Joel, who was really enjoying himself, as you can see)

Friday, 5 August 2011

Oscar Jackson Moves House!

Oscar Jackson moved to Woodruff Close last Friday with his Mum and Dad.

He now has a much larger bedroom and a proper garden to play in - and a girl next door of the right age!!

He missed no 23 to begin with (it was the only house he had ever known), but is now getting used to no 10.

Once Dad puts stars on his bedroom ceiling, it will start to feel like home!